Commercial Diving & Marine Recovery Services in Eastern Ontario
From vessel recovery to underwater surveying, the team at Kingsdive Ltd Marine Services has the experience and fleet to get the job done efficiently. We are an owner operated company that has served eastern Ontario since 1979, providing a range of commercial diving and marine transporting and towing services. Our VHF vessel call signs are “Kingsdive Pron-Tow” and “Kingsdive Wendigo”.
Emergency services are available. Call our team to learn more.
Principal Service Areas
Prince Edward County
Sharbot Lake
Services available outside of these areas on demand
Commercial diving
Aquatic weed harvesting
Air tool operations
Heavy lift
Underwater inspection with video
Marine towing and refloating
Search and recovery
Diving recovery
Lifting pumping rigging equipment
Marine transport (passengers or materials)
Oil spill response team
38’ transport Canada certified towing vessel
38’ transport Canada certified passenger vessel
24’ fast response RIB
Assorted work boats (trailer able)
Removal and recycling of large vessels underwater or above